Virtual and Ultra Reality
1. Ultra Reality: FiveStar (Multi Sensory Theatre)
2. High density haptic texture display: TextureDisplay2R
3. Texture presentation in 3D space: Creation of haptic virtual reality
4. Haptic grass landscape
5. Shear force haptic display
6. Simulation of a manipulated rigid body
7. Tactile presentation by Optacon II
8. Haptic Interface Platform (HIP)
Learning Environments (SROM)
and Human Computer Interaction
1. Ditital Textbook with Advanced Mnemonic System
2. Spatial Electronic Mnemonics: SROM
3. Wearable memorization aid system: iFlashBack
4. Efficient voice menu presentation interface: vCocktail
5. Fast eyes/hands-free interface for wearable computer: vCocktail+
6. Cellphone ubiquitous information system: K-eXplorer